
  • Ucsc Sinhala Unicode
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 26. 14:19

    Sinhala Unicode real-time conversionThis online application converts traditional Singlish input into standard Sinhala Unicode as you type. You may also save your Sinhala Unicode writings within application for future reference. Contact us on our Facebook page Sinhala Unicode to Sinhala Font real-time conversion for Word® and Photoshop®This online application converts Sinhala Unicode text to Sinhala font structure too.


    What you input as Singlish will be converted to both Sinhala Unicode as well as to Sinhala font structure. If you want to use the converted Sinhala text in other applications such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop then you should copy the text in 3rd box and then use it with a regular Sinhala font. The converted text is compatible with all DL type Sinhala fonts and many other Sinhala fonts available out there as well. Convert Sinhala Unicode to Sinhala FontsJust paste the Sinhala unicode text to 'Type in Singlish' text box and get the converted text in Sinhala fonts from 'in Sinhala font' section. Quick help for beginnersTo type Sinhala using this app, you should not be an expert of any (Windows, Wijesekara or any English to Sinhala) Sinhala keyboard layout type. Only thing you should know is how to write the same Sinhala word in Singlish (the way you type Sinhala in SMS).


    For example typing 'mal kohaa' will produce 'මල් කොහා' as the output from this app. Examples for various formations of Sinhala letters are shown in the right panel of the screen.

    Sinhala Unicode Converter Download

    Leave a comment if you need any help regarding the typing. If you have no Sinhala fonts installed, use to download and install them. Please follow the instructions in the same website to install Sinhala unicode packs properly. If you are on a latest Windows operating system (Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1), you need not to install any Sinhala unicode pack to use this online app. Register an account, save your workOnce you register with us, you can save your typing work within this app so that you will never have to re-type anything for your life time. Save the words, phrases that you often use.

    The capacity allotted per each user is unlimited. SMS sent to you via this website will be charged 2.00 LKR + tax for recipient. Join the communityJoin the community and help others. Feel free to leave comments to help people in here. Also subscribe to our to get the latest updates.

    Cannot see the Sinhala letters in this page?Download and install Sinhala unicode pack from. This online application converts Sinhala Unicode text to Sinhala font structure too. What you input as Singlish will be converted to both Sinhala Unicode as well as to Sinhala font structure. If you want to use the converted Sinhala text in other applications such as Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop then you should copy the text in 3rd box and then use it with a regular Sinhala font. The converted text is compatible with all DL type Sinhala fonts and many other Sinhala fonts available out there.


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